iPhone X Autocorrects 'i' to 'A?'

As the iPhone X, and new apple software is released to customers, people are realizing there is a problem with the auto correct. Typing the letter i causes the auto correct to change it to 'A?', which seems to make no sense to apple users. People are suspecting it's a bug that will need to be fixed in the next update. Apple has not commented on this issue.


  1. With everything that Apple has done. It seems they're rushing to make their products. First it was the iPhone 7 or 8 that were bendable. Now were seeing the Operating system, even if it's small, bugs that the general consumer should not face.

  2. lol, that's funny. Oh lets not forget the battery issue they had with the iPhone 4S that took about a year before they said we missed up please give them back to use to fix.


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