
Showing posts from November, 2017

Killer Drones

    There was a short film released surrounding the topic of killer drones, or 'slaughterbots'. This film came from a college professor, and features drones hunting down targets, and eliminating them based on facial recognition. This film shows us what life could be like someday, if the technology turns on us. Is this a possible threat people will have to worry about in the future? Source

Popular Christmas Toy for Kids

     Fingerings are expected to be one of the most popular toys given to young children for Christmas this year. Fingerlings are small mechanical monkeys that can curl up to a finger. They come in 6 colors, and their own name. The small companion can react to motion, sound, and touch on the top of their heads. The monkeys can sing, dance, and copy kissing sounds. You can also rock the toy to sleep. The toy starts at a price of $15. Source

Amazon's Style Assistant

     Amazon has a gadget that will assist you with styling your outfits. It's called the Echo. The Echo can take photos of your outfits, and has a voice control feature. It snaps photos of multiple outfits, and chooses one best based on color, fit, season, and current trends, much how a human would pick an outfit. Although it can recognize these traits, Echo can't fully understand the context of where you're going. It's best described as a hit or miss. Better rely on yourself to pick out your outfits for now.

Self Driving Cars and Jaywalking

         The main worries about self-driving cars are       Will it crash?       Will it hit someone?      Jaywalking is illegal, but not always enforced. If cities in the future are full of self-driving cars, people wonder how easy or difficult it would be to cross the street safely. All self-driving cars should be expected to follow the rules of the road, such as maintaining the speed limit, stopping at lights, yielding, and stopping for people at crosswalks. It's implied that self-driving cars will change the way major cities function, but many details still need to be worked out in order to keep pedestians safe. Source

iPhone X Autocorrects 'i' to 'A?'

As the iPhone X, and new apple software is released to customers, people are realizing there is a problem with the auto correct. Typing the letter i causes the auto correct to change it to 'A?', which seems to make no sense to apple users. People are suspecting it's a bug that will need to be fixed in the next update. Apple has not commented on this issue. Source

Robot Dog by Sony

  Sony release an adorable robot dog named Aibo. Aibo is a version of a device Sony created in the 90's. The newest version is more advanced with 2 eyes, and smalls screens that can show expressions, and a mouth that can smile. The only purpose Aibo has now is companionship, but it still has many features. Aibo can take a photo, learn phrases, and upload date to the cloud, which can change it's personality over time. Aibo is priced at $1,740, and is available in Tokyo right now. Source