
Showing posts from October, 2017

Cheeseburger Emoji

 Over the weekend, a debate sparked involving the  cheeseburger emoji from different companies. Twitter users were quick to give their opinion. Many thought the cheese belongs on top of the meat, while others though both Apple and Google's burgers were incorrectly assembled. Apparently the details of an emoji are important to smartphone users. What is the right way to correctly assemble a cheeseburger? Source

Go Anywhere in the World in Less than 1 Hour

 Elon Musk is set on the idea of sending people to mars in spaceships by 2024. He's predicting that the time to do this will take only an hour or less. Musk says the rocket transporting passengers will travel up to 17,000 miles per hour. He claims that once the ship is out of the Earth's atmosphere, it will be smooth sailing from there, since there's no friction in space, and no weather to account for while making calculations.  Source

Tamagotchi 20th Anniversary

 Tamagotchi is making a comeback this year. Tamagotchi is a toy from the 90's based on keeping a digital animal alive. It's their 20th anniversary, and the company released a limited edition tamagotchi in Japan to celebrate. The company says they've sold over 82 million of the pocket toys globally. If you can't get your hands on a limited edition tamagotchi, you can download the tamagotchi app for the apple watch.  Source

Waterproof Kindle

Amazon's New Waterproof Kindle Starting at $250, Amazon announced they'll be selling a waterproof kindle that can be in water 2 meters deep, for 60 minutes. Since 2009, readers have been asking for a waterproof kindle. They will have to wait no longer, and will be able to use their new kindle in the bath without a ziplock bag now. The new kindle will be available October 31st of this year. Source

Richard Branson Hyperloop 1

Richard Branson announced that he will be investing in hyper loop research, which is a high speed transporting system.The plan is to focus on transporting cargo and passengers through an underground tube system. Money has been raised for the project, but people are skeptical of this, which has caused controversy, and also a lawsuit. The project is still on track but the lawsuit caused some changes to the original plan. Source